When delving into the whimsical world of fantasy, few creatures capture the imagination quite like trolls. These mythical beings, often depicted as both fearsome and comical, have a rich history that spans cultures and centuries. But one aspect that always piques curiosity is their names. Troll names aren’t just labels; they’re gateways into their personalities, origins, and sometimes even their mischievous deeds.
As I explore the fascinating realm of troll names, I uncover their significance in literature, gaming, and folklore. Whether it’s a name steeped in ancient lore or a quirky moniker from a modern game, each troll name carries its own story. Understanding the art of naming these creatures not only enhances our appreciation of fantasy worlds but also reveals the creativity and tradition behind them.
Funny troll names
- Guffaw Grumble
- Chuckle Cheeks
- Snort Snicker
- Giggle Grotto
- Jest Jangle
- Buffoon Boulder
- Wobble Warts
- Prank Pebble
- Snicker Snot
- Twinkle Toes
- Mirth Muddle
- Jokester Jinx
- Hoax Hoozle
- Ponderous Puns
- Bungle Boffin
- Quirk Quibble
- Chuckle Chasm
- Muddle Muffin
- Banter Bluff
- Gobble Grin
- Rumble Riddle
- Trick Trundle
- Pluck Plumple
- Titter Toad
- Jive Joggle
- Snag Sniggle
- Blunder Blub
- Har Har
- Buff Brouhaha
- Grin Grout
- Gape Guffaw
- Chortle Churn
- Bleat Blarney
- Roar Ruckus
- Jolly Jumble
- Cackle Clump
- Rumple Rant
- Fumble Froth
- Titter Tumble
- Shimmy Shag
- Snort Spat
- Zany Zing
- Bozo Burble
- Chuckle Chomp
- Boggle Bop
- Snigger Snap
- Laugh Lump
- Wiggle Wham
- Heap Hoot
- Blurthy Bluster
Good troll names
Creating good troll names enhances the role-playing experience and adds depth to characters. Effective names often evoke a sense of strength or earthiness that aligns with these mythical beings’ traits.
I’ve curated a list of 50 names that capture the essence of trolls, rooted in fantasy culture and tradition.
- Grumblegut
- Stonefist
- Thunderclaw
- Mossbeard
- Bramblefoot
- Ironjaw
- Fogleap
- Rockcrusher
- Swampcaller
- Dusthide
- Torngrit
- Blackboulder
- Frostgrove
- Shadowstalker
- Totemspine
- Ashfall
- Gravelheart
- Thornsnout
- Stonetusk
- Magmarend
- Veinrock
- Bouldercrush
- Flintwhisper
- Earthshaker
- Brookstone
- Wolfrend
- Slatehowl
- Nightfall
- Emberfist
- Marshstride
- Twigbreaker
- Granitebark
- Windmane
- Deepstone
- Stalactite
- Grimclaw
- Steelgaze
- Withershadow
- Greenwarden
- Lakebound
- Rustmaw
- Cliffjumper
- Peakwatcher
- Stormgale
- Rootwarden
- Mudcrusher
- Ironpine
- Riftwalker
- Tarnkeeper
- Cloudbear

Cute troll names
Exploring troll names showcases the softer side of these mythical beings. Cute names reflect a gentler personality, adding charm and friendliness to their character. Whether for gaming, writing, or personal enjoyment, these names bring a sense of whimsy and endearment.
- Poppy Sprout
- Jingle Jolly
- Fluffy Fizzle
- Snuggle Paws
- Bubby Bristle
- Twinkle Twirl
- Dimple Doodle
- Giggles Glaze
- Taffy Toes
- Pudding Puff
- Puffy Pixie
- Spritz Sprinkle
- Cuddle Clover
- Muffy Merry
- Buttons Bash
- Flicker Fluff
- Nibbles Nook
- Lolly Lark
- Peppy Petal
- Ruffle Razz
- Jolly Jumble
- Cozy Core
- Tootsie Tangle
- Wiggle Wink
- Sprinkle Spark
- Poppy Plop
- Whisker Wobble
- Bumble Beam
- Cookie Crumb
- Fizzle Fawn
- Fuzzy Frost
- Pebble Pop
- Glee Glimmer
- Tickle Tulip
- Chipper Chime
- Prickle Plum
- Fuzzy Flare
- Jelly Jive
- Topsy Tickle
- Flutter Fuzz
- Waggle Wink
- Gumdrop Glide
- Dimples Drift
- Cotton Caper
- Dainty Drift
- Snazzy Snap
- Snuggle Nest
- Bubbly Blossom
- Cozy Conker
Female troll names
Exploring female troll names unveils a fascinating blend of creativity and tradition. These names often reflect the allure and strength typical of female characters in fantasy settings. Incorporating elements from nature and folklore, such names enrich the narrative in literature and games.
- Astrid Bouldercrush
- Bramble Thornfoot
- Cecilia Stonemoss
- Danae Frostfang
- Elara Ironhide
- Freya Shadowglen
- Giselle Thunderstroke
- Helga Miresong
- Ingrid Emberfist
- Jolene Rootwhisper
- Katya Moonstone
- Lorna Stormglen
- Magda Mudbelly
- Nessa Glimmerstone
- Opal Ironwill
- Petra Frostvine
- Quila Brambleborn
- Ragna Oakthorn
- Sigrid Fogmire
- Tessa Shadowspin
- Uma Stonebark
- Vesta Leafglow
- Wendolyn Darkstream
- Xena Frostshard
- Yara Thunderwood
- Zelda Stonevine
- Alida Ashenspire
- Beatrix Cloudwhisper
- Celeste Stormforge
- Deirdre Brookroot
- Elinor Granitehail
- Filippa Starcave
- Greta Mossfang
- Hildegard Iceshadow
- Idun Runehart
- Juniper Nightmist
- Kerstin Dragonclaw
- Lorena Thundermoor
- Marika Faetide
- Niamh Emberdrop
- Olwen Crystalbloom
- Paloma Leafcurl
- Rhiannon Darkvale
- Sable Firehaunt
- Thora Skylight
- Ulrika Moonfrost
- Vala Mistbark
- Willa Stormroot
- Zinnia Glowtail
Male troll names
When it comes to naming male trolls, strength and ruggedness often define these names. Drawing inspiration from the earth, stones, and ancient folklore, these names convey power and character. Each name reflects the essence of male trolls, capturing their robust presence and mystique.
- Boulderbelly
- Thornhammer
- Stonebash
- Mudcrusher
- Thunderfoot
- Grizzlebeard
- Rockmaul
- Earthsnarl
- Stormsworn
- Frostgnash
- Cragspike
- Havocgrip
- Ashgrim
- Ironbrow
- Dustgrowl
- Granitejaw
- Emberclash
- Flintbreaker
- Boneclaw
- Ruinforge
- Marrowgrim
- Chasmfury
- Slatehorn
- Sootfang
- Rustsnout
- Firerend
- Stonegrip
- Slabstrike
- Boulderscar
- Gravelgrowl
- Forgefang
- Caverntusk
- Blazegrip
- Riftgnarl
- Quakefang
- Cragbark
- Gravelmaul
- Drifthowl
- Basaltsnarl
- Lavaspike
- Gustclash
- Glaremaw
- Brimstorm
- Zephyrfist
- Shatterhorn
- Phantomgrip
- Bletchiron
- Snowsnarl
- Thunderbellow
- Riftbreaker

Zandalari troll names
- Azala Shadowheart
- Zek’tra Sunfury
- Kalanji Stormsinger
- Zul’jin Duskblade
- Jek’ra Frostwatch
- Malak Windtamer
- Zalara Tidebreaker
- Tharak Skybender
- Ra’jen Thunderroar
- Vash’lar Moonwhisper
- Zan’jir Tempestcaller
- Je’zul Starshaper
- Talan Stormspear
- Kaz’jin Flamebearer
- Rak’mar Nightshade
- Lora’lan Spiritcaller
- Zala’tor Earthwarden
- Zulk’jin Forestwalker
- Mura’kha Stonebreaker
- Jara’thun Fireweaver
- Kal’jin Beastshaper
- Warak Lightbringer
- Yara’jha Seawarden
- Xal’zhu Ironfang
- Thra’zul Dreadcaller
- Tika’ka Wildspark
- Akali Stormstrider
- Haza’jin Ghostwhisper
- Amani Swiftblade
- Kor’ja Frostseeker
- Yahra Lightweaver
- Ula’na Spiritweaver
- Zan’thul Seersong
- Jara’zul Stormguard
- Taza’kal Ironbreaker
- Zul’dara Shadowhunter
- Gral Shadowscythe
- Xara’thar Wavebinder
- Jun’thi Sunblade
- Maza’thul Nightbane
- Ikara Lightkeeper
- Dak’jin Emberfury
- Zul’khan Starstrider
- Lor’ta Mooncaller
- Rava Stormbreaker
- Re’ja Dawnbringer
- Koran Dreadstalker
- Taza’la Stoneguard
- Mal’ra Tidecaller
- Gora Windshaper
WoW troll names
- Zul’rom Firetusk
- Kaz’jin Stormcaller
- Vol’ru Scarback
- Talanji Moonwatcher
- Jastor Sandmane
- Razzik Thornslash
- Zuldraz Emberreach
- Zaramuk Spiritshaper
- Grom’gar Ironclaw
- Boz’jin Flamebender
- Mirak’Rek Tidesweeper
- Ja’Kala Junglehunter
- Vek’thok Bonecrusher
- M’kara Dawnshadow
- Zul’malo Moonblade
- Bal’kar Skullsplitter
- Dreg’thar Thunderfist
- Ragna’jin Fangcaster
- Thash’ra Emberglow
- Zuru’tan Frostweaver
- Loa’both Wildclaw
- Azjol’celae Bloodsunder
- Zumrik Stormshroud
- Ketha’zor Windtamer
- Zog’rok Blazespine
- Voola’zaz Shadowseer
- Hutok Skullflame
- Volazar Icereaver
- Nal’jin Vineshaper
- Xar’kathala Moonflame
- Gali’ja Firehowl
- Ula’mak Rustfang
- Jog’ar Tidehorn
- Pir’zhul Skyrunner
- Kragh’an Bloodlash
- Ralor Soulbinder
- Zul’chan Shadowfang
- Krom’gar Battleforge
- Tal’jin Sunfury
- Laga’jin Waterseer
- Mok’vud Ashbringer
- Xar’aseq Nightstalker
- Jamalla Thornsong
- Zul’khan Firewaker
- Balth’ram Leafwhisper
- Raz’gul Spiritkeeper
- Yaga’thok Emberthorn
- Grol’lok Stormguardian
- Jekkaa Metalbone
- Venshiir Wavenight
Troll names DnD
In Dungeons & Dragons (DnD), troll names often capture their fierce, mystical nature and deep connection to the fantasy environment. It’s essential for these names to convey the wild and untamed essence of trolls within the game. DnD trolls typically have names that hint at their strength and raw power, reflecting their legendary tenacity and formidable presence.
- Rocksnap Bruiser
- Grizzlegore
- Thundertusk
- Grindstone
- Mirefang
- Bramblebeard
- Wreckmaw
- Thornhide
- Bouldercrush
- Mudfoot
- Throgmar
- Frostclaw
- Gritjaw
- Swampgnarl
- Sludgeblood
- Cragheart
- Byggrum
- Ironbark
- Skullder
- Quagmire
- Ravenscar
- Thunderboar
- Gnarledfist
- Shadowstalker
- Goreblight
- Boulderback
- Stonebreaker
- Carvenmar
- Mossmane
- Fenroar
- Grimygnash
- Rubblefists
- Stormripper
- Drizzlefang
- Kerethrock
- Cloudbelly
- Rustjaw
- Bogscourge
- Cindercrag
- Flintbone
- Duskcrusher
- Barrowgrip
- Rumblehide
- Snarlthroat
- Thicketfoot
- Ironclaw
- Tundralock
- Shalegrind
- Soilmaw
- Flintgrim
Norwegian troll names
Norwegian troll names reflect the mystical heritage of Scandinavia and embody ancient legends and folklore. These names capture the rugged landscapes and hold cultural significance, connecting with Norway’s rich storytelling traditions.
- Fjellbryn
- Skogsrug
- Tusseladd
- Ravnfrost
- Torneknus
- Myrjabbe
- Steinkleiv
- Greinras
- Havdyp
- Granskuler
- Isvind
- Elveklang
- Grottepust
- Brannask
- Fjorddrift
- Steinlugg
- Tomrefugl
- Fosseklør
- Bergrise
- Mørksnarr
- Lysebrodd
- Ugledørn
- Bølgeråb
- Trollstein
- Fjelldrake
- Elgboge
- Fremor
- Maurstyre
- Kobberring
- Skarrebling
- Elgvetter
- Vetterklang
- Treknas
- Skalleravn
- Morganser
- Loddebotten
- Vannfjong
- Tangsnute
- Lysgutt
- Rypekorn
- Sulkjegran
- Skyggetuss
- Bleikstål
- Huggtarn
- Barknøkk
- Tverrskog
- Ulsneip
- Stupot
- Nedstrup
- Kvistog
Exploring the world of troll names reveals a captivating blend of creativity and tradition. These names do more than identify—they enrich the lore and depth of fantasy worlds. Whether it’s the whimsical charm of cute troll names or the powerful resonance of traditional ones, each name adds a unique layer to storytelling.
From the vibrant realms of World of Warcraft to the mystical landscapes of Norwegian folklore, troll names offer endless possibilities for imagination. They invite us to delve deeper into the narratives they inhabit, enhancing our appreciation for the fantastical and the mythical.