Delving into the mythical realm of dragons, black dragons stand out with their mysterious allure and powerful presence. These creatures have captured imaginations for centuries, inspiring countless tales and legends. As I explore the world of black dragon names, it becomes clear that each name carries a unique blend of mystique and strength, perfectly embodying the dark elegance of these majestic beasts.

Naming a black dragon isn’t just about choosing something that sounds cool—it’s about encapsulating the essence of these formidable creatures. Whether you’re a fantasy writer, a gamer, or simply a dragon enthusiast, a well-chosen name can bring a black dragon to life, adding depth and intrigue to your story or character.

Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the most captivating and evocative names that do justice to these legendary beings.

Female black dragon names

Naming a female black dragon requires capturing her mystical and enigmatic nature. These names blend elegance and darkness, providing a unique identity for these legendary creatures:

  1. Obsidia
  2. Nyxara
  3. Selene
  4. Morwen
  5. Nocturna
  6. Zephyra
  7. Ebonara
  8. Arachna
  9. Vespera
  10. Cimmeria
  11. Umbra
  12. Thalassa
  13. Onyxia
  14. Sablea
  15. Tenebra
  16. Nyxion
  17. Ravenna
  18. Zorya
  19. Morgana
  20. Luminara
  21. Invidia
  22. Xanthe
  23. Drakonis
  24. Velira
  25. Thanatos
  26. Lyra
  27. Isolde
  28. Noira
  29. Ebonelle
  30. Charna
  31. Althea
  32. Silhouette
  33. Celestia
  34. Moraea
  35. Eclipsea
  36. Shadowa
  37. Nereida
  38. Aranya
  39. Lomara
  40. Vortigara
  41. Circe
  42. Nemiris
  43. Arcana
  44. Serafina
  45. Calypso
  46. Obrielle
  47. Melantha
  48. Livia
  49. Belladonna
  50. Astrida

Male black dragon names

Exploring the realm of male black dragons reveals names flowing with strength and commanding presence. These names evoke the dark power and allure associated with such mythical creatures.

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dragon, kitten, companionship

I’ve compiled a list of 50 names designed to capture the majesty and depth of male black dragons.

  1. Caldros
  2. Zareth
  3. Drakor
  4. Morgrim
  5. Umbryss
  6. Talonix
  7. Xaroth
  8. Noxis
  9. Tharok
  10. Maelroth
  11. Vaelen
  12. Dreadfang
  13. Razgoth
  14. Velaros
  15. Umbrix
  16. Zarnith
  17. Ashar
  18. Nephrin
  19. Braxxis
  20. Kryndar
  21. Zephyros
  22. Daemorgon
  23. Aetherion
  24. Onyxar
  25. Verakor
  26. Lunox
  27. Cindarath
  28. Xylar
  29. Ferakos
  30. Grimlon
  31. Dynax
  32. Harbinger
  33. Kaldran
  34. Temaris
  35. Zolthar
  36. Derakor
  37. Renkar
  38. Baelor
  39. Malachor
  40. Umbrin
  41. Shadron
  42. Skornax
  43. Xandros
  44. Thorvel
  45. Galadrid
  46. Zevryn
  47. Vorloth
  48. Lycorus
  49. Typheros
  50. Darrizon

Cool black dragon names

Creating cool black dragon names involves tapping into elements of fear, mystery, and power. These names inspire awe and often add layers of intrigue to any fantasy setting.

Here’s a curated list of 50 names ideal for embodying the essence of a cool black dragon:

  1. Shadowfang
  2. Nightshade
  3. Obsidianclaw
  4. Abyssos
  5. Nocturnis
  6. Ravenwing
  7. Vantablack
  8. Eclipse
  9. Voidshadow
  10. Gloomstrike
  11. Sableflame
  12. Dreadnought
  13. Silhouetta
  14. Grimscale
  15. Phantomraze
  16. Thundernight
  17. Pitchrift
  18. Stygian
  19. Darkmaw
  20. Nihilbane
  21. Ultravox
  22. Cimmerian
  23. Medusa
  24. Infernus
  25. Lurknight
  26. Cauchemar
  27. Wraithen
  28. Netherclaw
  29. Cryptdark
  30. Gloombound
  31. Tenebrax
  32. Mirkstrike
  33. Wyverngloom
  34. Ombra
  35. Nightweaver
  36. Breach
  37. Umbrax
  38. Morpheus
  39. Sootscale
  40. Scourge
  41. Umbradron
  42. Magpie
  43. Slumber
  44. Shadescale
  45. Duskwing
  46. Nightbane
  47. Charcoal
  48. Enigma
  49. Haze
  50. Riven
A detailed dragon sculpture fountain at a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan.

Black dragon names DnD

In the realm of Dungeon & Dragons (DnD), black dragons stand as menacing creatures known for their cunning and ruthless nature. Naming a black dragon in DnD requires capturing the essence of its malevolent and sinister character, ideal for creating immersive gaming narratives.

Below is a list of names that embody the dark and ominous aura of these formidable dragons:

  1. Umbraxis
  2. Velkarath
  3. Drakthar
  4. Zaldrak
  5. Noxtar
  6. Varthax
  7. Zygorth
  8. Mordrek
  9. Talonshade
  10. Zevlord
  11. Drakos
  12. Krynnar
  13. Zalthor
  14. Tharnix
  15. Xyrok
  16. Vorgrim
  17. Naqkhor
  18. Kalthrax
  19. Vorund
  20. Draxis
  21. Vornyx
  22. Zardun
  23. Xalthorak
  24. Malrak
  25. Vynthrax
  26. Bharnak
  27. Yaxor
  28. Zyrtharn
  29. Oroth
  30. Drathir
  31. Vrox
  32. Zynthor
  33. Kedrok
  34. Nihylor
  35. Khornar
  36. Velthrax
  37. Narvok
  38. Branok
  39. Vyrnax
  40. Shyrak
  41. Qalyndor
  42. Zurthak
  43. Blightscorn
  44. Krythox
  45. Draegar
  46. Mortrax
  47. Xyldor
  48. Zerrik
  49. Rynath
  50. Zarthor
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WoW black dragon names

  1. Nefarian
  2. Onyxia
  3. Wrathion
  4. Sabellian
  5. Deathwing
  6. Sinestra
  7. Ebonhorn
  8. Fyrakk
  9. Saberian
  10. Neltharion
  11. Zerrak
  12. Obsidianflare
  13. Shadowmaw
  14. Kalandros
  15. Azarnya
  16. Magthrand
  17. Balagos
  18. Crevoss
  19. Thalastron
  20. Darkscale
  21. Voltraz
  22. Malgarox
  23. Dervraxion
  24. Zarthax
  25. Kaz’goroth
  26. Valthax
  27. Ichorburn
  28. Ruinwing
  29. Felathor
  30. Vyrakar
  31. Nozdormu
  32. Tyranthrax
  33. Emberclaw
  34. Ragnavor
  35. Blazewyrm
  36. Solaraith
  37. Velorrax
  38. Toxibane
  39. Zephyron
  40. Tenebros
  41. Shal’thar
  42. Gloamfang
  43. Malacros
  44. Flarazath
  45. Xernax
  46. Dracoron
  47. Tharalax
  48. Eclipsewing
  49. Vindormu
  50. Zaratheon

Good black dragon names

When selecting black dragon names, I aim for ones that embody their dark elegance and commanding presence. Good names resonate with the essence of these mythical creatures, providing a sense of identity and depth to any narrative or game.

  1. Ebonshade
  2. Nightscale
  3. Veilvorn
  4. Sableclaw
  5. Tenebris
  6. Nocturnis
  7. Obsilth
  8. Sinistara
  9. Dusktalon
  10. Charbrand
  11. Nightwing
  12. Umbrastorm
  13. Gloomheart
  14. Darkveil
  15. Smokebreath
  16. Dreadscale
  17. Omenfang
  18. Shadowspire
  19. Abysscale
  20. Crepus
  21. Mirkscale
  22. Shroudtalon
  23. Blackfyre
  24. Noxshade
  25. Ascheden
  26. Murkentide
  27. Draugsoul
  28. Vantosh
  29. Dragomir
  30. Erebus
  31. Gloomfang
  32. Umbrafang
  33. Sablescorch
  34. Duskflame
  35. Obscurix
  36. Nyxshadow
  37. Grimblaze
  38. Charos
  39. Vernalis
  40. Whisperwing
  41. Omenwill
  42. Thaneum
  43. Inkclaw
  44. Duskrift
  45. Smotherthorn
  46. Charvek
  47. Umbraxis
  48. Grimshade
  49. Darkstar
  50. Templarix

Evil black dragon names

Evil black dragon names convey malevolence and dark power, encapsulating the sinister and terrifying presence these creatures often possess. These names enhance the storytelling experience by painting a vivid picture of the wickedness and destruction black dragons can unleash.

  1. Malignarth
  2. Shadowbane
  3. Venomlung
  4. Dreadscale
  5. Gloomsorrow
  6. Nocturnor
  7. Oblivionlash
  8. Sinistrum
  9. Vilespire
  10. Murkmire
  11. Voidthorn
  12. Netherwrath
  13. Haunthide
  14. Ghoulshade
  15. Venomspite
  16. Grimcurse
  17. Anguishwing
  18. Terrorscale
  19. Bloodvenom
  20. Blightfang
  21. Doomshadow
  22. Darkreign
  23. Hatesworn
  24. Maledictor
  25. Nightmareclaw
  26. Broodinger
  27. Deathsin
  28. Cursesinge
  29. Abysslash
  30. Deadfall
  31. Cruelthorn
  32. Wraithtalon
  33. Mourningwrath
  34. Fiendscale
  35. Diregloom
  36. Pestilous
  37. Dreadwail
  38. Pitchhollow
  39. Sablefang
  40. Spiteflame
  41. Harrowsire
  42. Shadeblight
  43. Murkdread
  44. Defilemourn
  45. Plaguefly
  46. Tyrantwing
  47. Nihilbane
  48. Abyssmourne
  49. Darkplague
  50. Graveburn


Exploring the realm of black dragon names offers endless possibilities for creativity and storytelling. Whether you’re crafting tales of fantasy, engaging in immersive gaming experiences, or simply fascinated by the allure of these mythical creatures, the right name can truly bring your dragon to life.

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From the dark elegance of female dragons to the commanding presence of their male counterparts, each name carries its own unique charm and power. The curated lists in this article provide a rich resource for anyone looking to enhance their narratives or gaming worlds with these captivating creatures. Embrace the mystique of black dragons and let your imagination soar.